International Charter to Reduce Space Debris

International Charter to Reduce Space Debris

O.D.English Section / 29 octombrie 2024

Cleanliness is very important, including in space. The European Space Agency (ESA) is in talks with SpaceX about the company joining an international charter aimed at reducing space debris in Earth's orbit, according to ESA Director Josef...

Bucharest, the capital of cyber security experts

Bucharest, the capital of cyber security experts

O.D.English Section / 7 octombrie 2024

Bucharest will become the capital of cyber security specialists for a few days. More than 2,000 international experts are meeting in Bucharest, on November 28 and 29, at the DefCamp regional conference, to analyze the new challenges and solutions...

Frica de oamenii de succes

Frica de oamenii de succes

Dan NicolaieZiarul BURSA #Sport / 1 august 2024

Dan Nicolaie

Vara, omul înţelept, care nu e ocupat cu făcutul de sănii, se duce la plajă. Cum nu am unde să mă plimb cu sania, am mers câteva zile la plajă. În partea cea mai de sud a litoralului autohton, nisipul e fin, berea e rece, iar discuţiile sunt...

The image has an illustrative role. Source: facebook / Romanian Air Force

MApN acquires missile systems worth 9.48 billion lei

I.Ghe.English Section / 20 noiembrie 2023

The Ministry of National Defense, through its subordinate company, Romtehnica, has launched the public procurement procedure for short and very short-range air defense systems SHORAD/VSHORAD - state-of-the-art surface-to-air missiles, the...

Raport Thales: Au crescut atacurile de tip ransomware

Raport Thales: Au crescut atacurile de tip ransomware

D.T.Miscellanea / 19 aprilie 2023

Thales a publicat Data Threat Report 2023, raportul anual privind cele mai recente ameninţări la adresa securităţii datelor, tendinţe şi subiecte emergente, bazat pe un sondaj realizat în rândul a aproape 3.000 de profesionişti din domeniul IT şi...

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Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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