Romania, a full member state in Schengen

Romania, a full member state in Schengen

A.V.English Section / 13 decembrie

The interior ministers of the EU countries, meeting yesterday in the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Council, decided to lift controls on persons at internal land borders with and between Bulgaria and Romania, starting with 1 January 2025, the...

Photo souce: https://www.facebook.com/mari.cindeliani.5/photos

Georgia, under maximum pressure!

O.D.English Section / 5 decembrie

The situation in Georgia is explosive. Authorities are pointing fingers at each other, people are protesting in the streets, law enforcement is intervening violently, and more and more people are looking towards Moscow.

Olympic medalists awarded hybrid cars

Olympic medalists awarded hybrid cars

O.D.English Section / 27 noiembrie

The medalists at the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games were each awarded a hybrid car by Toyota Romania, COSR's mobility partner, during the Gala 110 Years of Olympism in Romania. The athletes who won two medals in Paris each received a...

Schools will be closed where the situation dictates

Schools will be closed where the situation dictates

O.D.English Section / 1 octombrie

The Ministry of Education is trying to adapt, on the fly, to the reality on the ground. The didactic activity with physical presence will be suspended where the situation requires it, stated the Minister of Education Ligia Deca in the context of...

Bogdan Maioreanu, eToro

Adopţia vehiculelor electrice o ia pe un drum ocolit

R.S.Miscellanea / 10 septembrie

Adopţia vehiculelor electrice (EV) începe să gâfâie pe măsură ce scade cererea. Volvo a renunţat la planurile de a produce exclusiv maşini electrice până în 2030, în timp ce Volkswagen îşi reduce capacitatea fabricii de baterii. Presiunea...

"Maşinile vor fi utilizate de serviciile municipalităţii şi de unităţile din subordine, iar obiectivul este ca, pe viitor, întreg parcul auto să fie înlocuit cu maşini nepoluante", se arată într-un comunicat de presă.

Doar maşini electrice pentru Primăria Galaţi

Ana FeleaZiarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 6 septembrie

Primele trei maşini electrice au ajuns în parcul auto al municipalităţii gălăţene, prilej cu care reprezentanţii Primăriei anunţă că Administraţia Fondului pentru Mediu a mai aprobat o nouă cerere de finanţare pentru încă un lot de 20 de maşini...

Iulian Fota, a specialist in international relations, says that a nuclear confrontation would lead to a planetary catastrophe.

Iulian Fota: "A nuclear war is one without winners"

E.O.English Section / 29 august

A nuclear war is a war without winners, says Iulian Fota, a specialist in international relations, who pointed out that a nuclear confrontation would lead to a planetary catastrophe. His statements come in the context of recent remarks by Russian...

Daniel Boţa, the main organizer of the exhibition, emphasized that the event is designed to bring consumers into direct contact with the product, offering a concrete and tangible experience.

Unique exhibition dedicated to grapes

O.D.English Section / 28 august

Grapes are the stars of every fall. Between August 30-31, the commune of Sânmartin will host a special event dedicated to table and wine grapes, offering the public the chance to discover and taste more than 50 noble varieties. The exhibition is...

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Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.3324
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0430
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur402.9466

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