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Photo source: Facebook/ CFR Marfă

CFR Marfă, liquidated up to Mărţişor

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 30 octombrie

The national company CFR Marfă would be liquidated and stop its activity immediately after the operationalization and capitalization of the new company, Carpatica Feroviar, established by the Ciolacu government, operationalization that would take...

Very old school teacher

Very old school teacher

Dan NicolaieEnglish Section / 24 septembrie

Dan Nicolaie

Pedagogy is constantly fouled in domestic football. When this is done by anonymous losers the explanations come easier, when it comes to former or current very good footballers with serious careers, including in western football, the excuses are...

The rector of the "George Emil Palade" University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology in Târgu Mureş, Leonard Azamfirei, said that the new academic year at UMFST Târgu Mureş begins with a series of novelties, with new study programs, such as a program bachelor's degree in psychology, a series of new master's degree programs, namely Medical Humanity, military medical assistance, pharmacovigilance and specialized medical assistance. (Photo source: https://blog.umfst.ro/)

Record number of "freshman" students for UMFST

O.D.English Section / 17 septembrie

In the fall, the crops are gathered and the students are counted. The rector of the University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology "George Emil Palade" from Târgu Mures, Leonard Azamfirei, declared during the opening ceremony...

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