Taxes and fees are increasing in the Capital

Taxes and fees are increasing in the Capital

I.Ghe. English Section / 23 decembrie 2024

The General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest decided on Friday to increase local taxes by 10.4% (the inflation rate for 2023) and increase other taxes for the residents of the Capital. According to the new regulations, hybrid means of...

Photo source:Sursa Impact SA

Star Residence Invest is liquidating its assets

A.I.English Section / 21 august 2024

Star Residence Invest (REIT), a company established as an investment vehicle in real estate assets oriented towards the distribution of dividends obtained from rents, is liquidating its assets, according to a company report published yesterday on...

Introducerea unui nou număr de SMS pentru parcări ridică întrebări privind legalitatea şi transparenţa procedurilor asumate de PMB

HALUCINANT. SE ÎNTÂMPLĂ DOAR ÎN BUCUREŞTI!Introducerea unui nou număr de SMS pentru parcări ridică întrebări privind legalitatea şi transparenţa procedurilor asumate de PMB

Eduard Dumitraşcu, preşedintele ARSCMiscellanea / 7 mai 2024

Începând de săptămâna trecută, panourile stradale din Bucureşti au început să prezinte un nou număr de SMS pentru plata parcărilor, 7576. Cu toate acestea, pentru multe parcări, rămâne încă afişat vechiul număr 7458, la care bucureştenii sunt...

Photo source: facebook / Cosmin Tabără

Investment: 115 million lei stadium in Timisoara

O.D.English Section / 5 februarie 2024

The supporters of the Poli Timişoara formation have a reason for hope related to the revival of the football phenomenon in the city on the Bega. The vice-mayor of Timişoara, Cosmin Tabără (PNL), announced that the documentation for the future...

New criteria for approval of football stadiums

New criteria for approval of football stadiums

O.D.English Section / 1 februarie 2024

The sports infrastructure has improved considerably in the last two decades, but there are still major problems in certain areas of the country, where stadiums have not yet been built to the standards of these times. The FRF announces that,...

The amphitheater in the premises of the Cluj Arena Stadium will host the courses given by the teaching staff of the Faculty of Psychology of UBB Cluj. Photo source: clujarena.ro. Photo credit: Cosmin Dragomir

University courses at the stadium

O.D.English Section / 12 octombrie 2023

Education can take place in less conventional spaces. We have plenty of examples in this regard. A group of students from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at "Babeş-Bolyai" University (UBB) in Cluj-Napoca will be...

3 beneficii ale sistemelor automate de parcare

STUDIU: 3 beneficii ale sistemelor automate de parcare

S.B.Companii / 9 iunie 2022

În contextul discuţiilor tot mai frecvente despre cum vor arăta oraşele inteligente ale viitorului, parcările gestionate automat revin constant pe "ordinea de zi", ca soluţie ideală de rezolvare eficientă şi rapidă a mai multor probleme:...

Comanda carte
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Curs valutar BNR

21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

convertor valutar


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