tour de france
Ciclism: Tadej Pogacar, campion mondial

Ciclism: Tadej Pogacar, campion mondial

O.D.Sport / 30 septembrie 2024

Slovenul Tadej Pogacar a câştigat, duminică, la Zurich, primul său titlu de campion mondial la ciclism pe şosea, după triumfurile în Turul Italiei şi Turul Franţei. El le succede rivalilor săi Mathieu Van der Poel şi Remco Evenepoel, relatează Le...

Photo source: www.frf.ro

EURO 2024, we have someone to support!

Dan NicolaieEnglish Section / 13 iunie 2024

Dan Nicolaie

EURO 2024 is knocking on our door and it would be polite to open it. Tomorrow, the ball starts with a dance (Germany - Scotland) in which it is possible to lack fantasy, but we are sure that there will be no discount from the effort. The most...

Photo: Praggnanandhaa Rameshbabu

Bucharest, the world chess capital this month

O.D.English Section / 4 iunie 2024

Bucharest will become the world chess capital at the end of June and the beginning of July. Ten of the world's best chess players, according to the current FIDE ranking, will perform in Bucharest for the second stage of the international...

The management of IRI Travel and the representative of the Prestige hotel presenting the balance of the 2023 summer season.

A very good new summer season for IRI Travel

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 19 septembrie 2023

The 2023 summer season, which ends these days, was a successful one for the IRI Travel company, one of the best-known tour operators in Romania, which recorded a 42% increase in sales and a 30% increase in the number of tourists compared to 2022,...

Ilustraţie de MAKE

Cel mai mic în Împărăţia cerurilor: Hillel

MAKECultură / 10 aprilie 2023


Emanciparea în raporturile cu Dumnezeu, urmărită în fundalul acestui eseu, este însoţită de un proces complementar de recesiune a sacralităţii, după cum susţine Sforno (1), fără să precizeze că temeiurile afirmaţiei sale ar fi legendare:...

The smallest in the Kingdom of Heaven: Hillel

MAKEEnglish Section / 10 aprilie 2023


The emancipation in relations with God pursued in the background of this essay is accompanied by a complementary process of recession of sacredness, as Sforno (1) argues, without specifying that the basis of his statement is legendary:...

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28 Mar. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.6187
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2332
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9795
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur456.5018

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