First Turbine In CEZ Wind Park To Be Installed In July

Tradus de Andrei Năstase
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 1 iunie 2009

Cristina MihalaŞcu

The first wind turbine of the wind park built by CEZ in the Fantanele - Cogealac area will be installed in early July. "Upon finishing this project, which requires substantial human and financial resources, we come close to a 10% share of the renewable energy market in Romania," Martin Pacovsky, Chief Operational Officer of CEZ Romania, told a press conference.

The construction of the 240 turbines totalling some 600 MW installed power, will be accomplished in two phases. The first phase begins this summer and comprises the first 139 turbines. Works in the Cogealac area are currently being developed, with the actual construction scheduled to start in the beginning of 2010. The turbines delivered by General Electric for the first phase will be connected to four transformation stations.

The Fantanele - Cogealac wind park measures some 600 hectares. CEZ Romania Project Manager Ondrei Safar said: "The land is rented from the locals for 20-25 years. We pay an annual amount which we cannot make public. We have over 1,000 rental contracts." He added that the winning supplier of the 101 turbines necessary for the second phase would be announced in a month.

To partially finance the roughly 1.1 billion EUR project, CEZ is negotiating a 200 million EUR loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB).

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