Omert Tetik, BT CEO: "The number of companies listed on the BVB is very small"

English Section / 31 octombrie 2024

Omert Tetik, BT CEO: "The number of companies listed on the BVB is very small"

Versiunea în limba română

Omer Tetik, CEO of Banca Transilvania, believes that our country is behind the other member states of the European Union in terms of the development of the capital market and claims that the number of Romanian companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange is still very small.

"We are also behind in the capital market. If we look at the Bucharest Stock Exchange, which had a fulminant performance in growth, as a percentage, but still compared to the GDP of the country, the capitalization of companies or the number of listed companies is very small. And we are not comparing with Germany or France, but with Greece or Hungary, where there are the same opportunities for development and investment for the respective companies. I think that in recent years, with the pandemic, we have gotten used to a lot of money, a lot of liquidity in the market, which will no longer be there. That is why, in our speeches in the coming period, we will emphasize, we will draw attention to capitalization, to liquidity, as a preparation for what is to come. With the granting of state guarantees, companies got used to not paying interest on their loans, but there comes a time when each of us has to do our homework and wake up to reality, because we will have enough liquidity hard in a period that will be very difficult", said Omer Tetik, yesterday, during the "Competition in key sectors" event, organized by the Competition Council at the Carol I Central University Library, in Bucharest.

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