Only 3.26% Of Romania Can Afford "First Home" Programme

Tradus de Andrei Năstase
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 1 iulie 2009

Ana Săbiescu

Only 3.26% of the Romanians have the required income to take a mortgage loan under the State-driven "First Home" programme, according to a poll made by the online recruitment website

Over one third of the respondents (33.52%) said their salary was not sufficient for the "First Home" programme, while 11.13% of them said the would not join the programme because they felt insecure about their job. Only 1.29% of the respondents are counting on a salary raise that might help them take a mortgage loan, while 4% of them are sure that only by filing a joint loan application with their partner could they be eligible for the programme.

The poll was conducted online countrywide on 24-29 June 2009 on a relevant sample of over 2,700 respondents, of whom 44% are university and post-university educated and 23% graduated from post-high-school institutions below university level. The gender ratio was 55% male to 45% female. Approximately 58% of the respondents were aged between 21 and 35 years. On this segment, 29% said they could not access the "First Home" programme because their salary was not enough, while 8% felt insecure about their job.

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