CĂUTARE (9146)

2015 2016
Glacier melt leads to more storms

Glacier melt leads to more storms

O.D.English Section / 20 decembrie 2024

The domino effect is clearly visible in nature. The record-breaking Antarctic ice loss in 2023 has led to an increase in storms over the ice-free Southern Ocean, according to a study published in the journal Nature. The work by Simon Josey, of...

Photo source: Facebook/ Orban Viktor

Viktor Orban's men closely monitor OLAF inspectors

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 9 decembrie 2024

European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) inspectors, who were checking in Hungary in 2018 the allocation of European funds to certain projects executed by the company of Prime Minister Viktor Orban's son-in-law, were closely monitored by security...

Perspective globale privind insolvenţa companiilor

Perspective globale privind insolvenţa companiilor

A.B.Miscellanea / 21 noiembrie 2024

Prima jumătate a anului 2024 s-a încheiat cu o nouă accelerare a insolvenţelor în majoritatea ţărilor, ceea ce a dus la creşterea Indicelui Global (44 de ţări care reprezintă 85% din PIB-ul mondial ) cu +9% faţă de aceeaşi perioadă a anului...

Raluca Turcan: "The approval of the new credit line offers the extraordinary opportunity to almost completely revive the public infrastructuremanaged by the Ministry of Culture and responds to a long-delayed need". (Photo source: Facebook/ Raluca Turcan)

"Culture" borrows 140 million euros for investments

O.D.English Section / 18 noiembrie 2024

Without financing, culture cannot survive. The Board of Directors of the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEDB) has approved a loan of 140 million euros for the "Cultural Foundation" project, which aims to save historical monuments and...

School dropout rates remain very high

School dropout rates remain very high

O.D.English Section / 16 iulie 2024

The Save the Children organization raises the alarm by informing that, at the national level, over 15% of children have not even reached the end of the 8th grade and there are counties where the percentage exceeds 25%. The final results of the...

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Curs valutar BNR

21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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