Was Hamas helped by Israel?

Was Hamas helped by Israel?

English Section / 21 mai

From time to time, the media speculates that Israel is the one that supported the creation and growth of Hamas, a rumor that is based on testimony circulated by some officials, but without providing evidence.

New Frontiers: Ancient Lake Sediments on Mars

New Frontiers: Ancient Lake Sediments on Mars

O.D.English Section / 30 ianuarie

Space exploration has been a major concern for humans since ancient times. If for a long time the study was done from a distance, now things have changed. NASA's Perseverance rover has collected data confirming the existence of ancient lake...

Cine va câştiga în Gaza?

Sorin Rosca StanescuPolitică / 7 noiembrie 2023

Sorin Rosca Stanescu

În cele ce urmează fac o excepţie de la regulă. Voi publica integral o analiză care nu-mi aparţine. Ea este elaborată de analişti militari de mare prestigiu, care presupun că au dorit să-şi păstreze anonimatul. Aceştia demonstrează cu argumente...

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