Resource Partners
Aleksander Kacprzyk

Resource Partners continuă investiţiile în România

R.S.Companii / 10 septembrie 2024

Resource Partners îşi consolidează prezenţa pe piaţa românească prin achiziţia a 80% din capitalul grupului ITH, din care fac parte Vola.ro din România, cu prezenţă inclusiv în Bulgaria şi Republica Moldova, şi FRU.pl în Polonia. Astfel, România...

 Resource Partners devine acţionar majoritar Vola.ro

Resource Partners devine acţionar majoritar Vola.ro

A.F.Companii / 2 septembrie 2024

Vola.ro, liderul pieţei de turism online din România, cu prezenţă şi în Polonia, Bulgaria şi Moldova, anunţă achiziţia unei participaţii de 80% din capitalul său de către Resource Partners, unul dintre cei mai importanţi manageri regionali de...

"The residential construction market is decreasing"

"The residential construction market is decreasing"

Recorded by George Marinescu.English Section / 14 august 2024

Reporter:: How did the construction sector perform in the first semester of 2024? Is there a greater appetite for investment in the industrial area? Has the residential market contracted or stagnated compared to the first half of 2023?...

Sebastian Burduja, the Minister of Energy, stated: "There are Romanians who are still struggling with poverty and energy poverty. That is why I am very happy that today (ed. - yesterday) I can announce that, together with Mr. Dumitru Chisăliţă (ed. - president of AEI) and the Intelligent Energy Association, the Ministry of Energy signs a partnership to combat poverty energetic".

Support for the electrification of needy households

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 14 noiembrie 2023

More than 1000 needy households will benefit from the necessary support for heating during this winter according to the "Heated houses for needy families" project launched yesterday with the conclusion of the Partnership to Combat Energy...

"I see a ministry of digital transformation that would act vertically and an active CIO, which coordinates IT horizontally"

THE BURSA VIDEOCONFERENCE - "CYBERNETIC SECURITY" / MARIAN MURGULEŢ, STATE SECRETARY, GOVERNMENT CIO:"I see a ministry of digital transformation that would act vertically and an active CIO, which coordinates IT horizontally"

GEORGE MARINESCUEnglish Section / 16 decembrie 2020

The digital transformation of the economy represents a challenge for the political decision makers in Bucharest, as it represents an important objective of the European Commission meant to contribute to economic decarbonation. Unfortunately, many...

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Conferinţa BURSA “Codul Insolvenţei 2025”
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31 Mar. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9771
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.6005
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2179
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9460
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur460.4406

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