The situation at "Nicolina" Iasi is now accute and there are two major problems: the selling of some company assets and ensuring security in order to preserve its patrimony, according to the company"s spokespersons who were present at a meeting with AVAS officials. Related to the selling of the two asset, the company"s management stated that several auctions were held but none of them were finalized with the signing of a bill of sale. Another problem is ensuring the company"s security. Given the fact that most employees were laid off according to OUG no. 8/2003, it becomes neessary to hire staff in order to ensure security and to preserve the "Nicolina" Iasi patrimony.
Following the discussions, AVAS" president, Teodor Atanasiu stated: "I have asked the company"s management to publish another announcement in order to sell the two active assets: the Construction Tools and Equipment Factory and the Street Pavement and Tools division, which they must do by Wednesday, January 17th. We invite the interested parties to come and aquire the two assets, so that production can carry on. We hope this time we will sell the assets and the company will be able to pay part of its debt. In case the assets are not bought, we will consider voluntary liquidation."