Compania Naţională "Posta Română "-S.A., societate infiintata potrivit HG nr.371/1998 functionand in conformitate cu legislatia romana, urmare hotararii Consiliului de Administratie nr.183/27.06.2017 isi manifesta intentia de a se implica in procesul de bancarizare si incluziune financiară la nivel national, prin valorificarea celei mai extinse retele de subunitati postale cu acoperire teritoriala nationala, intentionand in acest sens demararea unui proiect privind oferirea de servicii si produse bancare.
Compania Nationala "Posta Romana" -S.A urmareste diversificarea portofoliului de produse oferite clientilor prin prestarea de servicii bancare si oferirea de produse bancare la nivel national, prin contracte ce urmeaza a se incheia cu institutii bancare care activeaza pe piata din Romania si UE.
Serviciile bancare ce urmeaza a fi oferite prin intermediul retelei de subunitati postale sunt:
a.Servicii de depunere numerar la ghiseele specializate ale subunitatii postale;
b.Servicii de retragere numerar la ghiseele specializate ale subunitatii postale;
c.Servicii referitoare la încasări rate de credit la ghiseele specializate ale subunitatii postale;
d.Servicii privind cunoasterea clientelei, inclusiv înrolarea si actualizarea datelor clientilor, cu respectarea legislatiei specifice in materia serviciilor bancare;
e.Servicii aferente activitătii de acordare de credite, in conformitate cu legislatia bancara;
f.Servicii aferente activitătii de colectare a creantelor;
g.Servicii aferente emiterii de carduri de credit/debit, in conformitate cu legislatia bancara;
h.Servicii aferente contractării serviciilor de tip internet in conformitate cu legislatia bancara;
i.Servicii de intermediere in asigurari.
Institutiile bancare interesate pot transmite scrisori de intentie cu privire la implicarea in proiectul Companiei Nationale "Posta Romana"-S.A, pana la data de 31.08.2017.
Scrisorile de intentie vor fi transmise pe adresa Compania Nationala "Posta Romana"SA - Directia Juridica si Reglementari - Bd.Dacia nr.140 sector 2 Bucuresti, Tel.+4021. 20.09.265 fax:+4021.20.07.470
• Romanian Post is looking for a partner for providing banking services
The National Company "Posta Romana" S.A., a company established under Government Decision no.371/1998, operating in accordance with the Romanian legislation, following the decision of the Board of Directors no.183/27.06.2017, expresses its intention to get involved in the process of banking and financial inclusion at national level, by capitalizing the advantages of the most extensive postal network with national territorial coverage, intending to launch a project regarding the offering of banking services and banking products .
The National Company "Posta Romana" S.A. aims to diversify the portfolio of products offered to the clients by providing banking services and offering banking products at national level, by means of contracts that will be concluded with banking institutions operating on the Romanian and EU market.
The banking services which will be offered through the postal sub-units network are:
a.Cash deposit services at the specialized counters of the postal sub-unit;
b.Cash withdrawal services at the specialized counters of the postal sub-unit;
c.Services relating to the credit instalments collection at the specialized counters of the postal sub-unit;
d.Know Your Customer services, including enrolment and updating of customers' data, in compliance with the specific banking legislation;
e.Services related to the activity of granting loans, in accordance with the banking legislation;
f.Services related to the collection of receivable;
g.Credit card/debit card issuing services, in accordance with the banking legislation;
h.Services related to the contracting of Internet services in accordance with the banking legislation.
i.Insurance intermediation services.
The interested banking institutions may submit Letters of Intent regarding their involvement in the project of the National Company "Posta Romana" S.A. until 31.08.2017.
The letters of intent will be sent on the following address: The National Company "Posta Romana" S.A. - Legal and Regulatory Division - 140 Dacia Blvd., district 2, Bucharest, Tel: +4021. 20.09.265 fax: +4021.20.07.470.