Arcelor Mittal Steel - Galati Gets Eco Warning

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 30 martie 2007

Arcelor Mittal Steel - Galati must obtain an integral environmental license until October 30th or close, according to Ioan Gherghes, the president of the National Environment Agency.

In turn, Galati, County Prefect Mihai Capra said: "This does not mean that all problems have to be solved by October 30th. They need to prepare documentation and an action plan indicating deadlines by which problems have to be solved."

He added that the deadline was not negotiable and confirmed that Arcelor Mittal Steel - Galati would either get the environmental license by October 30th or close.

Also, the steel works was welcome to ask for the Agency"s assistance in solving pending environmental issues. The factory"s environmental license was issued in 2002 and expired in March 2007.

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