los angeles times
New Frontiers: Ancient Lake Sediments on Mars

New Frontiers: Ancient Lake Sediments on Mars

O.D.English Section / 30 ianuarie 2024

Space exploration has been a major concern for humans since ancient times. If for a long time the study was done from a distance, now things have changed. NASA's Perseverance rover has collected data confirming the existence of ancient lake...

Mark Gitenstein ar putea deveni ambasadorul SUA în UE

Mark Gitenstein ar putea deveni ambasadorul SUA în UE

G.BInternaţional / 27 mai 2021

Preşedintele american Joe Biden urmează să anunţe în scurt timp nominalizarea de noi ambasadori, transmite Reuters, care citează New York Times. Potrivit New York Times, fostul ambasador în România Mark Gitenstein este avut în vedere pentru a...

30 years of BURSA, in the vision of Eugen Mihăescu

MAKE (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)English Section / 25 august 2020

MAKE (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)

Famous painter and illustrator Eugen Mihăescu (writer, publicist, politician; professor of the "Theory of idea in arts" in New York and member of the Romanian Academy) sent our newsroom the sketch of an idea for the 30-year anniversary...

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