Prada, interesată să preia Versace

Prada, interesată să preia Versace

A.V.Ziarul BURSA #Companii / 13 ianuarie

Casa de modă italiană Prada se numără printre părţile interesate să cumpere marca de lux Versace, scoasă la vânzare de compania americană Capri Holdings, a anunţat vineri publicaţia Il Sole 24, conform Reuters.

Prada interested in taking over Versace

Prada interested in taking over Versace

A.V.English Section / 13 ianuarie

Italian fashion house Prada is among the parties interested in buying luxury brand Versace, which is being put up for sale by US company Capri Holdings, Il Sole 24 reported on Friday, according to Reuters.

Illustration by MAKE

A buzzing idea - the Sovereign Investment Fund

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 23 septembrie 2024

In an unstable economic context and marked by multiple challenges, the debate on the establishment of a Sovereign Investment Fund (SIF) was recently relaunched in the public space, a topic that will be extensively analyzed in an event organized...

Photo source: facebook / Olaf Scholtz

Germany tightens the tap on military aid to Ukraine

I.Ghe.English Section / 20 august 2024

The current Ukrainian offensive in the Kursk area, to create a buffer zone according to President Volodymyr Zelensky, risks running out of military support at some point, as the government in Berlin has halved Germany's contribution to the...

Syndicalism has also reached the Vatican

Syndicalism has also reached the Vatican

O.D.English Section / 14 mai 2024

Dissatisfaction with working conditions also reached a place that seemed free from such problems. Nearly 50 employees - including 47 guards - sent an official notice to Cardinal Fernando Vergez Alzaga, the head of the Vatican City administration,...

Photo source: facebook/Eurovision Song Contest

Eurovision, a tribune of geopolitical squabbles

O.D.English Section / 24 aprilie 2024

The Eurovision contest is changing from one year to the next, the connection with music being ever thinner. This year's edition will be no exception, being preceded by many geopolitical discussions. More than 400 Irish artists urged the...

A real tax reform or a new patch?

A real tax reform or a new patch?

Theodor StolojanEnglish Section / 18 aprilie 2024

Theodor Stolojan

Through the National Recovery and Resilience Program (PNRR), Romania has committed to carrying out tax reform in 2025. Until the elections for the Romanian Parliament in December 2024, citizens would have the opportunity to participate in an...

"Who Shares, Takes a Share"

"Who Shares, Takes a Share"

Radu SovianiEnglish Section / 15 decembrie 2023

Radu Soviani

Radu Soviani: Mr. Munteanu, what would a one-million coupon invested in SIFs have meant if there had been decent management, from launch, from listing, until now?

Sursa foto: facebook / Il Volo

Trio celebru, în turneu în ţara noastră

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 19 septembrie 2023

Iubitorii muzicii clasice "ambalate" într-un spectacol modern au parte de veşti bune în această toamnă. Trei concerte ale celebrului trio italian Il Volo vor avea loc în România, la BT-Arena din Cluj-Napoca (30 septembrie), la Oradea...

Photo source: facebook / Il Volo

Famous trio on tour in our country

O.D.English Section / 19 septembrie 2023

Classical music lovers "wrapped" in a modern show have good news this autumn. Three concerts by the famous Italian trio Il Volo will take place in Romania, at the BT-Arena in Cluj-Napoca (September 30), at Oradea Arena (October 2, in...

Barajele rutiere au continuat ieri în Peru

Barajele rutiere au continuat ieri în Peru

V.G.Internaţional / 16 ianuarie 2023

Barajele rutiere au continuat ieri în Peru şi au fost organizate noi manifestaţii în masă, la o zi după prelungirea stării de urgenţă în mai multe regiuni ale acestei ţări confruntate cu o mişcare de contestare a preşedintei Dina Boluarte,...

Angajaţii din educaţie continuă protestele

FSLI: Angajaţii din educaţie continuă protestele

G.D.Miscellanea / 14 decembrie 2022

Peste 700 de membri de sindicat, în majoritate personal nedidactic, din cadrul Federaţiei Sindicatelor Libere din Învăţământ au protestat astăzi, 14.12.2022, în faţa Parlamentului României, conform unui comunicat remis redacţiei.

Comanda carte
Forumul investitorilor 2025
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Curs valutar BNR

03 Mar. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9774
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7667
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2900
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0274
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur440.0993

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