The "natural business born" in the Anglo-Saxon world

MAKE (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 10 decembrie 2010

"High level politics and finance" - the slogan that preceded the other slogans of a similar caliber that the "Realitatea-Caţavencu" group launched.

"High level politics and finance" - the slogan that preceded the other slogans of a similar caliber that the "Realitatea-Caţavencu" group launched.

In a communiqué issued yesterday, the "Realitatea-Caţavencu" media group announces that its print magazine "Money Express" entered a partnership with the prestigious London weekly "The Economist", which it calls "the prodigious magazine". The partnership will allow the Romanian magazine to start reprinting articles appearing in the British publication, starting with January 2011.

Congratulations to our colleagues.

One of the meanings of the "prodigious" is that of "prolific"; and one of the meanings of the word "prolific" is that of "accelerated breeding" or "something which multiplies quickly".

And somehow I doubt this is the idea that yesterday"s communiqué was trying to convey.

The additional statement by Emil Hurezeanu (the magazine"s future editor-in-chief) confirms that they meant something else: "The association of The Economist with media institutions from outside the Anglo-Saxon area is extremely rare ..."

So, they didn"t mean to say that "The Economist" multiplies quickly.


Right on the next line, the Press Release mentions that "The Economist" has over 80 (eighty!) partnerships all over the world.

Perhaps it does breed quickly after all?

Or maybe it doesn"t, because Emil Hurezeanu clarifies: it doesn"t expand outside the Anglo-Saxon world.

So yes, it does have eighty partnerships, but only very rarely outside the "Anglo-Saxon" world.

Which apparently means France, Greece, Latvia, Ukraine and Poland (which are mentioned in the Communiqué as countries in which "The Economist" has partners), are part of the Anglo-Saxon space.

Are the French aware of that?

Are the Ukrainians know?

This is a real scoop!

A bombshell revelation, a factual confirmation of the intention of the "Realitatea-Caţavencu" group to invest, "together with manager Sebastian Ghiţă" to develop "the most important source of business content".

The notion of "business content" sounds a bit wild.

If you repeat in your mind for a few times, then its meaning tends to become unclear; what exactly is "business content"?!

But the idea of the manager investing in the company is genius!

The Realitatea Group always comes up with revolutionary ideas: first, the newscasters of its TV station were "natural business born"; they could help your company avoid bankruptcy.

Now, we"ve taken the second step - the manager invests in the company.

Everyone is waiting for the third step, with bated breath, how will they shock us next time?

Will they hire maids from the "Bamboo" club?

Anything is possible; surprises are part of the group"s logic and professionalism.

Just like now, this development of the "Money Express" magazine, comes just as the owner said that print publications are dead and they are turning to the internet.

The fact that "Money Express" chose to grow instead of dying, is a clear demonstration of independence.

Which is clearly stated by Dragoş Nedelcu, the vice-president of the Board of Directors of the "Realitatea- Caţavencu" group, when talking about "Money Express": "The only independent business magazine on the Romanian media market..."

We"re envious, that our paper can"t call itself that.

For no other reason but the fact that we don"t know who to be independent from.

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