"Ţiriac Autorulate": We are not affected by the pollution tax

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 10 decembrie 2008

The introduction of the new pollution tax, which has sparked heated controversy in the used car market, also bringing about a drastic shift in the imported second hand car market.

The representatives of "Ţiriac Autorulate" consider, however, that the recent pollution tax raise won"t affect the company"s sales.

Miodrag Stanoievici, General Manager of Ţiriac Autorulate, has clearly stated: "We want to mention that all the cars sold by our company are already registered, as they have been purchased after careful technical testing and selection, exclusively from the local market. We will not raise the prices of our cars. <ŢiriacAutorulate> is currently running a series of promotions. In a modern economy, the local used car market relies on new cars sold on the local market, which are then replaced by owners, not on imports".

According to the company, up to the month of September 2008, Ţiriac Autorulate sold 1000 cars on the Romanian used car market.

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