BioAge, positive debut on Nasdaq

BioAge, positive debut on Nasdaq

A.V.English Section / 30 septembrie 2024

BioAge Labs Inc., an American clinical-stage biotechnology company that develops therapies for obesity and metabolic diseases, raised approximately $200 million through its initial public offering (IPO) held last week on the US market,...

Drug developers have raised two billion dollars this year through ongoing IPOs

BioAge wants to raise $158 million through IPO

A.V.English Section / 23 septembrie 2024

BioAge Labs Inc., an American clinical-stage biotech company developing therapies for obesity and metabolic diseases, is seeking to raise about $158 million through its initial public offering (IPO) and a private placement, Bloomberg reports....

Analiza TradeVille - Biotehnologia şi AI

Analiza TradeVille - Biotehnologia şi AI

T.B.Companii / 28 decembrie 2023

2023 a fost un an dificil pentru sectorul de biotehnologie la nivel global, însă, analiştii spun că piaţă pare să fi atins un minim, iar 2024 se anunţă a fi un punct de cotitură pentru companiile din domeniu., se arată într-un comunicat al...

Study: Microorganisms for Cancer Treatment

Study: Microorganisms for Cancer Treatment

O.D.English Section / 6 decembrie 2023

Research aimed at finding effective treatments for serious illnesses often leads scientists down unconventional paths. For instance, fecal matter collected from healthy subjects is now being used in the treatment of patients. As studies on the...

Sursă foto: Reuters

OMS recomandă două noi tratamente împotriva COVID-19

G.U.Miscellanea / 14 ianuarie 2022

Organizaţia Mondială a Sănătăţii (OMS) a recomandat oficial astăzi două noi tratamente împotriva bolii COVID-19 - baricitinib, dezvoltat de Eli Lilly, şi anticorpii monoclonali de la GlaxoSmithKline şi Vir Biotechnology -, în cazuri foarte...

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Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
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Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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