Free access to shows and museums for students

English Section / 14 februarie 2024

Free access to shows and museums for students

Versiunea în limba română

The encounter between teenagers and culture is very important for their future and for society. As the temptations are great, it is important that access to cultural events is as easy as possible for young people.

The Senate adopted a legislative proposal to amend the Pre-University Education Law, whereby students are granted free admission to performances organized by public institutions in Romania and access to museums. "Romanian students from outside the borders of the country, scholarship holders of the Romanian state, benefit from free access to museums, concerts, opera theater, film performances, as well as other cultural and sports events organized by public institutions on the territory of Romania". it is stated in the legislative proposal initiated by a group of USR, PNL, PSD and UDMR parliamentarians. The same free of charge is granted to students from the country for access to museums, concerts, theater performances, opera, film and other cultural and sports events organized by public institutions, within the limits of the approved budgets. According to the statement of reasons, "free for students transforms cultural institutions into the main provider of education and eliminates financial barriers related to access and other fees such as photographing the objectives". The initiative is good, it remains to be seen how it will be put into practice, without the "classic" obstacles.

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