Road education guides dedicated to students

English Section / 22 mai

Road education guides dedicated to students

Versiunea în limba română

Road education is very important, but given the very high number of accidents it is clear that there are large gaps in this area. The Ministry of Internal Affairs, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, published three Road Education Guides dedicated to primary, secondary and high school education. According to the MAI, the initiative is part of the ongoing efforts to increase road safety and reduce the number of accidents and victims on Romanian roads. The guides are available to download, free of charge, on the website of the Ministry of Education, Road Education section. The guides are structured to correspond to the needs and level of understanding of children in primary, secondary and high school education. These include concrete examples, didactic games and worksheets that can be used by both teachers and parents. The attractive design and accessible language make the information easy for students to understand and retain. According to the MAI: "We encourage all teachers to be actively involved in the promotion of traffic education, given their essential role in the formation of preventive traffic behavior. Through the guides, students will learn not only traffic rules, but also the importance of being aware of the dangers and adopting a responsible behavior, regardless of their role in traffic: pedestrians, passengers, cyclists or drivers". In parallel, hundreds of police officers from the traffic police structures act daily to identify and sanction people who endanger the safety of other traffic participants through reckless behavior. Also, the police officers from the prevention structures throughout the country carry out informational-preventive activities to present the consequences of non-compliance with traffic rules, especially among children.
