Solar flares disrupt radio communications and power grids

English Section / 13 februarie 2024

Solar flares disrupt radio communications and power grids

Versiunea în limba română

Solar activity may cause some problems on Earth this week. As if there weren't enough human-caused problems, some come from space. One of the most violent solar flares in recent years took place at the end of last week, NASA announced. This eruption is classified as an X3.3 eruption. Class X denotes the most intense eruptions, while the number gives more information about its power. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, which constantly monitors the Sun, captured an image of the event. The X3.3 eruption appears as a bright white flash, it is an extreme ultraviolet light that highlights the extremely hot material of the eruption. Solar flares are powerful bursts of energy. This eruption could have consequences on Earth in the coming days, such as disrupting radio communications, power grids, navigation signals, and may pose risks to spacecraft and astronauts. The activity of the Sun varies in cycles of about 11 years, having intense years, rich in solar eruptions, and quieter years. A new solar cycle began in December 2019. Currently, solar activity is approaching a peak.

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