U.S. Thanks Romania For Supporting Missile Shield Initiative

L.P. (Tradus de Andrei Năstase)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 23 octombrie 2009

During an official visit to Bucharest yesterday, U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden thanked Romanian authorities for supporting the new missile shield system, which U.S. President Barack Obama wanted to deploy in Europe.

"It has the benefit of protecting Europe physically, as well as the United States. And I must tell you I appreciate your almost instant embrace of this new architecture, as well as was embraced by our colleagues in Poland, and others. As people look at this, they are understanding what you understood from the beginning, that this makes more sense," Vice President Biden said. He further spoke of the threat posed by weapons of mass destruction, such as ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons, as well as by ethnic animosity that could destabilize the world.

"And we are determined -- we are determined to ensure that our NATO allies have the protection they need when they need it. (...) Some -- maybe even understandably -- jump to the conclusion that this new missile defence approach was meant to appease Russia at the expense of Central Europe. Nothing could be further from the truth. That is absolutely wrong. Missile defence is not about Russia. Our approach is driven by security requirements of the United States and our NATO allies, period," Vice President Biden added.

He emphasized that the U.S. was making efforts to strengthen relations with the Russian Federation and pursue common interests such as the reduction of nuclear arsenals, security in Afghanistan and preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Vice President Biden further emphasized that the United States remained committed to its alliance with Europe, which the U.S. Administration regarded as "the cornerstone of American foreign policy."

Vice President Biden noted the changes for the better that Romania had accomplished over the previous 20 years and emphasized that he was honoured to be in the country, recalling the times when Romania and other countries in the region had earned their democracy.

The ongoing partnership in the frame of NATO was also highlighted, as Vice President Biden expressed his appreciation of Romania"s dedication to NATO objectives. He reviewed Romania"s input to important missions in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Balkans, acknowledging it as valuable.

While in Bucharest, Vice President Biden encouraged the Republic of Moldova to continue along the path toward democratization so as to "be integrated into the Euro-Atlantic institutions when they are ready.

In turn President Traian Basescu reiterated that the mutually beneficial partnership with the United States would see further consolidation.

