A toxic myth: "the future of Europe"

Cornel Codiţă (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Politică / 10 mai 2019

A toxic myth: "the future of Europe"

In Sibiu is being discussed, oh, but that's an understatement!, is being decided "the future of Europe"! We are for once the nexus of the world, or at least of Europe! We finally have a serious reason for "national pride"! The press has been debating the subject for a few days now and will do so for a few more days once the issue will have expired. In reality, the whole thing is only about who comes out on top in this year's electoral battles, out of which the one for the European parliament is by far the last in terms of importance. If Iohannis has a party with the European bigshots in Sibiu, then of course the PSD has to have its own event in Iaşi with forty thousand "attendees", not to be outdone. That's about what everything boils down to and there wouldn't be much else to say, if the words "the future of Europe" weren't part of the equation. Which is the crux of the issue.

The notion that politicians are the ones who shape, design and through their decisions determine the future for the rest of us mere mortals, isn't exactly new in Europe. It can be discerned in the political Messianism of the church, throughout the Middle Ages and became even stronger in the modern age high since birth on the illusion that the future can not only be predicted but decided as well. If somebody is capable of understanding and mastering the game of the forces and consequences of unlimited power of "the modern man" of shaping everything according to their will, from nature to structure and social institutions, and from there the most precise science about matter, life and universe, then the future can be shaped just as easily as the potter does clay. In social theory, this drug is called "historicism" or, if you will, "social darwinism". That is how it happens that in the "progressive ideology" of current Europe, "revolution" becomes the preferred, if not the sole method of enacting beneficial changes in society. That is how the entire politics of Europe, whether it sides with the right or the left ideologically, has been permanently conquered by the notion of "building" the future according to some plans of some "illuminated" individuals of knowledge, whether scientific or occult.

One after another, generations of politicians have designed "Europe's future " within the boundaries of the development of the imperial development of the major European powers, which led to WW1, to that of the "Europe of nations" shaken by WW2, and later, as part of the project of the United States of Europe, which has led to the huge crisis that Europe and its institutions are in. From Genghis Khan and Subutai, to Schuman and Monet, Europe has had a shortage of anything except "well meaning" about its future. However, the future has stubbornly refused to play ball. That is why, at least now, at the twilight of modernity and in full crisis of civilization of Europe, for its politicians to spare us their speeches about the future and to tell us openly, how they feel about the mistakes they have been racking up over the last two decades and what they are capable of conceiving as solutions to the huge economic, political and social issues that their mistakes in actions and thinking have created problems, lying on top of other mountains of errors built atop the ruins of the first and second world war in Europe. No matter how hard it may seem, the burning issue on the agenda of the day is not "the future", especially the premade future that the "progressives" keep trying to fool us with, but the past, more particularly the huge political errors of the last 100 years which are nowadays causing the unprecedented (some aren't afraid of calling it terminal) of the European civilization model. The refuge of the current politicians in the speech about the "future" is, therefore, nothing but a pathetic attempt to evade the responsibility for the mistakes of the past, one that is not necessarily very distant. A timid start, but one which should be pursued further, has been made by Jean Claude Juncker himself. Not too long ago, he admitted that his lack of involvement of the European institutions in the Brexit debate in Great Britain has been a mistake. A very big one actually. It's just that, in the list of strategic errors of the European politicians, made over let's say, the last two decades and a half, is a lot longer, and the failure to get involved in the Brexit debate is far from being the worst. Instead of the "red herrings" about the future, today's politicians owe us a critical evaluation of the steps which have created the crisis of today's Europe. Just as they owe us credible answers, expressed through coherent policies, by which this crisis can be overcome, before the entire European buildings collapses into ruin or total irrelevance.

The politicians of the day are desperately clinging to the toxic ideology of a mythological future of Europe, for which, wouldn't you know it, they are responsible, and which they claim is the main driving force behind their frantic activities. Nothing could be further from the truth. Therefore, an increasing number of citizens of Europe refuse to drink from the poisoned well.

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