A wave of layoffs in the automotive industry in Arad

Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 3 martie 2009

A wave of layoffs in the automotive industry in Arad

Over 1900 citizens of Arad will lose their jobs between March and May, according to notifications by the County Employment Agency (AJOFM). Thus, no less then 1955 layoffs have been announced, after companies of Arad have decided to cut 286 positions in January.

"In January, the labor market was hit by massive layoffs in the computer production sector, with over a hundred employees being forced to look for a new job. In the following months however, the biggest layoffs will come from the automotive industry. However, we do hope that the major companies will resort to professional reconversions in order to avoid an explosive increase in the unemployment rate", Mihaela Jude, communication officer for AJOFM Arad, said.

According to notifications made by companies in the Arad county, between February and May 907 layoffs are expected for the automotive industry, 260 for the furniture production sector, 230 for the computer production sector, and over 300 in the metallic constructions and building sector. Other sectors for which layoffs are expected include the electricity production and distribution sector, (91), but also the footwear production, wood working, leather working, hotels and restaurants sector .

According to data from the AJOFM, 286 people were laid off in January, of the announced 586.

The most layoffs were made in the computer production sector, where 118 people were fired.

The Arad County Employment Agency has announced that in order to support people who have lost their jobs, they will hold professional reconversion trainings.

As to employment offers, there are 182 vacant positions on the official website of AJOFM Arad. 149 of the above were announced by the Arad branch, 18 by the Sebiş office, 6 by the Chişineu Criş office and 10 by the Lipova office.

Last year, January and February saw 69 layoffs.

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