ArcelorMittal - Galati Launches Voluntary Layoff Scheme For Coke Workers

Tradus de Andrei Năstase
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 7 mai 2009

ArcelorMittal - Galati Launches Voluntary Layoff Scheme For Coke Workers

Marilena Dinu,


Following the decision to permanently close the coke plant "Uzina Cocso-Chimica" within the Galati Steel Works, ArcelorMittal yesterday met with trade unions and presented the voluntary layoff scheme prepared exclusively for the approximately 1,500 coke workers.

"ArcelorMittal - Galati confirms the release of the new voluntary layoff programme dedicated exclusively to the employees of the Uzina Cocso-Chimica. Those who voluntarily decide to leave the company will receive larger severance packages than those offered in the previous programmes. The employees of this unit who decide to remain within the Steel Works will be retrained and reallocated to other production units," said ArcelorMittal - Galati PR Manager Dorian Dumitrescu. He added that the workers willing to leave the company could sign up as of 6 May, but did not specify a closing date for the voluntary layoff scheme.

ArcelorMittal - Galati is ready to offer voluntarily laid-off coke workers a lump sum ranging between 10,000 RON and 25,000 RON, equal to the sum paid to steel workers who voluntarily left the company between December 2008 and April 2009. Additionally, the company will pay between 8 and 24 salaries, depending on the length of service. Specifically, the coke workers whose length of service is up to 5 years will receive 8 salaries, which were not included in the previous voluntary layoff scheme. Those with a length of service exceeding 30 years will get 24 salaries. Workers who prove that they are suffering from serious, incurable illness will receive an additional 5,000 RON.

Union leaders said they were not happy with the financial offer made by ArcelorMittal, but it was up to the workers to decide. "I do not agree with the loss of jobs, unless the people are very close to the retirement age or are ill. We are also not happy with the financial packages offered to the coke workers. I think it"s very little compared to what ArcelorMittal offered to workers in other countries in Europe where they implemented voluntary layoff schemes. As far as I know, they paid between 10,000 EUR and 30,000 EUR. I also want to stress that 2,000 of the 4,000 people who voluntarily gave up their job within ArcelorMittal Group are from Galati," said Solidaritatea Union leader Gheorghe Tiber.

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