GEO 97
New "specials" in the budgetary system

New "specials" in the budgetary system

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 30 ianuarie

According to a draft emergency ordinance currently in decisional transparency on the website of the Ministry of Finance, the Government wants to exempt 32 people from the budgetary system, civil servants, from the stability austerity measures for...

The month of political aberrations

The month of political aberrations

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 22 ianuarie

Over 9.4 million citizens who went to the polls on November 24 had their options canceled by the Constitutional Court of Romania, which, after validating the first round of the presidential elections on December 2, reversed its decision on...

Students demand clarification from government

Students demand clarification from government

O.D.English Section / 9 ianuarie

Representatives of the National Alliance of Student Organizations of Romania (ANOSR) have requested clarification from the Ministry of Transport and the Authority for Railway Reform regarding the recent limitations on discounts for students on...

Călin Georgescu - blocked on the way to Cotroceni

Călin Georgescu - blocked on the way to Cotroceni

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 16 decembrie 2024

The end of the calendar autumn was marked by the presidential and parliamentary elections that took place on November 24 and December 1. For this reason, in order to increase its chances before the election and to maximize the chances of its own...

Războiul celor o mie de zile

Cornel CodiţăZiarul BURSA #Editorial / 20 noiembrie 2024

Cornel Codiţă

Despre agresiunea la care este supusă Ucraina de atîta amar de vreme este vorba, desigur. Şi despre Rusia, agresorul. Vrem, nu vrem, aceste 1.000 de zile vor intra în istorie, într-un capitol cu totul special. Nimeni nu va ieşi bine în poză....

Sursa foto: internet

Este Europa lider pe piaţa maşinilor electrice?

A.D. Comunicate de presă / 16 octombrie 2024

Cel mai recent studiu Coface privind industria auto relevă numeroase provocări, mai ales pe piaţa din Europa. Pe 8 iunie 2022, Parlamentul European a votat în favoarea interzicerii vânzării de autovehicule noi cu motor cu combustie internă (ICE)...

Among the main measures provided for in this draft ordinance is the direct purchase of shares by the relevant ministries in the companies in which the state holds the status of shareholder.

Government blocks hostile takeovers of energy companies

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 14 octombrie 2024

The dependence of our country on energy imports, in certain periods, and the need for capitalization of companies in the energy sector, so that they can increase the energy production capacity at national level, are the reasons why the Ministry...

Moarte şi haos pe şoseaua viitorului

Cornel CodiţăZiarul BURSA #Editorial / 4 octombrie 2024

Cornel Codiţă

Nu, nu m-am reorientat spre piaţa mediatică a accidentelor, deşi este una "ofertantă", aflată în susţinută expansiune, cu atractive oportunităţi de afirmare şi confirmare jurnalistică. Şi de cîştig. La teşcherea. Nu este vorba nici despre...

According to the amendments brought by the deputies to the ordinance, the staff from pre-university education, respectively the teaching staff, auxiliary teaching staff from the state pre-university education, as well as the teaching staff from the state university education system who hold the didactic degree of lecturer, head of works, will benefit from this program /lecturer and university assistant, as well as auxiliary teaching staff, from the university education system, active in a school/academic year starting from the school/academic year 2022 - 2023 up to the school/academic year 2026 - 2027 inclusive.

The teaching career bonus is awarded in October

O.D.English Section / 4 octombrie 2024

President Klaus Iohannis promulgated the law approving the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 87/2023, which establishes that the teaching career bonus and the professional career bonus for teaching and administrative staff, respectively, are...

Dezastre cu plata în rate

Cornel CodiţăZiarul BURSA #Editorial / 18 septembrie 2024

Cornel Codiţă

Despre dezastrele acestea, "naturale", care lovesc parcă tot mai des şi mai greu pe aici, prin România, este vorba, desigur. Ceea ce voiam eu să spun este că dezlănţuirea naturii poartă doar o parte de vină, nici măcar cea mai mare,...

Al Treilea Război Mondial va fi mondial!

Cornel CodiţăZiarul BURSA #Editorial / 29 august 2024

Cornel Codiţă

Precizarea, a cărei subtilitate poate fi descifrată doar de diplomaţii cu vechi ştate de serviciu în epoca războiului rece, vine din partea lui Serghei Lavrov. Bătrînul şi credinciosul cîine servitor legat cu lanţul unei obsecene obedienţe de...

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21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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