Open Arms
Photo source: www.kremlin.ru/events/president/news

Putin gives the bread, Kim gives the knife

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 13 septembrie 2023

For Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, is a frequent person. If in most countries of the world, democratic states, including Western democracies demonized in recent years by the leader from the Kremlin, Kim Jong-un is perceived...

Big breathing projects. In Paris

Big breathing projects. In Paris

Marius TiţaEnglish Section / 21 august 2023

Marius Tiţa

It was terrible then, on April 15, 2019, when the Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris caught fire, the famous, historical, beautiful, beloved, wonderful house of God! Octav Drăgan, the Romanian photographer of Paris, was there and remembers that, at...

Italia a decretat starea de urgenţă migratorie

Italia a decretat starea de urgenţă migratorie

G.D.Internaţional / 12 aprilie 2023

Guvernul italian de dreapta condus de Georgia Meloni a decretat ieri seară starea de urgenţă migratorie pentru următoarele şase luni, decizie menită în special să faciliteze expulzarea migranţilor ilegali care debarcă în număr tot mai mare în...

Sursa foto: Twitter

SURSE UE:România nu va prelua migranţi de pe Open Arms

T.E.Internaţional / 21 august 2019

România, care s-a oferit să primească migranţi de pe nava ONG-ului spaniol Open Arms, nu va mai participa la repartizarea acestora, întrucât ofertele celorlalte cinci state din UE care au mai acceptat să preia aceşti migranţi sunt suficiente, dar...

Sursa foto: Twitter

Italia refuză primirea unei nave cu migranţi

T.I.Internaţional / 22 decembrie 2018

Ministrul italian de Interne Matteo Salvini a precizat, astăzi, că porturile din Italia sunt închise pentru cei peste 300 de migranţi salvaţi din Marea Mediterană de un ONG spaniol, Proactiva Open Arms, relatează AFP.

Woman featured in "The Sun" assembling toys together with her children claims she was set up

BRITISH MEDIA STRIKES AGAIN, ALLEGING THE EXPLOITATION OF ROMANIAN CHILDREN Woman featured in "The Sun" assembling toys together with her children claims she was set up

C.I. (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 28 noiembrie 2016

Timea Jurj, the woman from Satu Mare which according to British publication The Sun was allegedly using her children to assemble the toys used in Kinder chocolate eggs, claims that everything was a set up and that she was promised her husband...

Papalekas distances himself from Bîlteanu

Papalekas distances himself from Bîlteanu

A.A. (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)English Section / 28 decembrie 2014

Businessman Ioannis Papalekas distances himself from his former business partner Dragoş Bîlteanu, who was placed in preventive detention in the case of embezzlement from the SIFs, in an open letter which he sent on December 22nd, in which he...

The victory of Jan Sobieski, the King of Poland, against the Turks in the battle of Vienna - a painting by Jan Matejko (1838-1893).

"Sobolewski and the Romanians"

CORNEL CODIŢĂ (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 9 aprilie 2014

The AD is no longer 1686, but 2014. Unlike Sobieski, Sobolewski is no longer angry at Romanian ruler Dimitrie Cantemir, quite the contrary, he often delights in the musical art of the great European, Kantemiroglu, "Kitabu...

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