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The capital hosts a theatrical "record"

The capital hosts a theatrical "record"

O.D.English Section / 21 ianuarie

The year is starting off on a good note in terms of cultural events. The world's longest theatrical event will take place in February in Bucharest, announces the A.R.T. Fusion Association. "Horror Vacui" is a large-scale artistic act,...

Photo source: facebook / NATO

The stars of all wars: weapons!

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 22 august 2024

The wars in Ukraine and Gaza are causing excitement and concern around the world. The indisputable stars of these military conflicts are the weapons, sent to the involved parties from all areas of the world. Peace is desired, but war is fueled...

TAROM a lansat "Visul unei nopţi de... vacanţă"

TAROM a lansat "Visul unei nopţi de... vacanţă"

T.B.Companii / 22 martie 2024

Pentru călătorii care visează să cutreiere străzile pline de mister ale Londrei, TAROM a pregătit o ofertă specială care te poartă direct în inima culturală şi istorică a capitalei britanice, se arată într-un comunicat al companiei, remis...

Rudderless in bad weather

Rudderless in bad weather

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 25 octombrie 2023

The change of government at the end of the first semester of this year apparently did not bode well for Prime Minister Ciolacu's team, which found itself with a budget deficit that is increasingly difficult to control and manage, with the...

Sunday Times: Abramovici vrea să vândă Chelsea

Sunday Times: Abramovici vrea să vândă Chelsea

V.D.Sport / 26 august 2018

Publicaţia Sunday Times a notat că Roman Abramovici intenţionează să vândă clubul Chelsea Londra, gruparea angajând consultanţi de la o bancă de investiţii din New York pentru o evaluare.

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Conferinţa BURSA “Codul Insolvenţei 2025”
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31 Mar. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9771
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.6005
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2179
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9460
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur460.4406

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