Bugetul ONU în pericol

Bugetul ONU în pericol

I.Ghe.Ziarul BURSA #Internaţional / 4 martie

Retragerea SUA din Organizaţia Naţiunilor Unite, promovată de Elon Musk, consilier principal al preşedintelui Donald Trump şi coordonator al Departamentului pentru Eficienţă Guvernamentală, ar avea un impact negativ asupra instituţiei...

UN budget in danger

UN budget in danger

I.Ghe.English Section / 4 martie

The US withdrawal from the United Nations, a withdrawal promoted by Elon Musk, senior advisor to President Donald Trump and coordinator of the Department for Government Efficiency, would have a negative impact on the international institution,...

Photo source: facebook / Ministerul Apărării Naţionale, România

Huge european defense financing gap

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 4 martie

The European defense financing gap amounts to 850 billion euros, according to two analyses published on the Zerohedge website and using statistical data provided by NATO, the Kiel Institute for the Global Economy and Exante Data. This deficit is...

Kash Patel, noul director FBI Sursa: Wikipedia

Noul director FBI trece la schimbarii radicale

M.S.Internaţional / 23 februarie

FBI suporta schimbări semnificative imediat după învestirea noului director Kash Patel, care în discursul său de deschidere, a subliniat că este pregătit să facă faţă atacurilor din partea mass-media şi, conform ZeroHedge, a promis o nouă eră de...

While the US has succeeded in developing a complex infrastructure to become a leading LNG supplier, new regulatory measures could undermine this success, affecting the confidence of international partners and the ability of the US economy to thrive in the long term.

US LNG exports blocked by regulations

I.Ghe.English Section / 1 noiembrie 2024

Despite the undeniable success of American liquefied natural gas (LNG) in global markets, the recent policy of the Biden-Harris administration risks jeopardizing this hard-won position, says an article published on the website Zerohedge. While...

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Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur427.6549

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