Government Approves Sale of RA-APPS Bucharest and Seaside Buildings

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 12 iunie 2008

The Government has given green light for a tender to be organized to sell ten apartments, one plot of land and 15 spaces in the Free Press House in Bucharest and two villas in the seaside resort of Neptun - Olimp by auction. The assets are currently property of the State"s property management arm Regia Autonoma - Administratia Patrimoniului Protocolului de Stat. The proceeds will be transferred to the State budget after subtracting the cost of organizing and advertising the auction, making an assessment report and financing various investments made in the buildings over time. RA - APPS will sell the villas Violeta (with 4,000 sq.m. of courtyard) and Crinul (almost 2,000 sq.m. of courtyard) in Neptun - Olimp, ten apartments, one building and one plot of land in Bucharest. The offer also includes 15 spares within the Free Press House, a sizable building where many Bucharest-based newspapers are housed.

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