No Bidder For Moldova Tricotaje Assets

Doru Mocanu, Iasi (Tradus de Andrei Năstase)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 13 octombrie 2009

No bidder attended the auction organized by the special administrator on Friday to sell the assets of the Iasi-based Moldova Tricotaje SA (Moldova Knitwear SA). The list of items put up for auction included several pieces of machinery and other items found in the company"s warehouse. The aggregate starting price was 49,000 RON, not including VAT.

The special administrator also wants to sell the company"s head office and adjacent land for a starting price of 26.5 million RON, not including VAT. The respective plot of land, measuring some 15,000 square meters, is deemed to be the most valuable and appealing of all the assets left of Moldova Tricotaje. "A new auction could take place at the end of November," said Adrian Ababei, the liquidator of Moldova Tricotaje SA.

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