THE ASSOCIATION OF BROKERS HAS SELECTED THE BURSA NEWSPAPER Adina Ardeleanu has won the "Award for the most critical article concerning the stock market"

BURSA (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 6 decembrie 2012

Dan Paul, the president of the Association of Brokers, and Adina Ardeleanu - this time they are friends; next time, who knows...

Dan Paul, the president of the Association of Brokers, and Adina Ardeleanu - this time they are friends; next time, who knows...

On Wednesday evening, BURSA journalist Adina Ardeleanu won the Award for the most critical article in the press concerning the stock market, in the 11th Edition of the Stock Market Awards, organized by the Association of Brokers.

The article for which she won the award is called "The sleeping beauty of the BSE: The Board of Directors"

(, was published in February 2012, and it concerned the passiveness of the new Board of Directors of the BSE, which was appointed in the beginning of 2011.

Upon receiving the award, Adina Ardeleanu said that she wants "the article to be a kiss that would wake the stock market up", as the BSE is not promoted enough, the average daily turnover is at critical levels, especially lately, and Sibex is facing serious image issues especially due to Cristian Sima scandal.

Dan Paul, the president of the Association of Brokers, said that the BSE should understand that it needs advertising and that it should begin a marketing campaign, especially "the BSE is sitting on a lot of money". He also said that the Association of brokers has talked to the Ministry of Education about the introduction of optional classes concerning the stock market in high-schools.

The BURSA newspaper, which has been on the market for over 22 years, has constantly expressed its support of the development of the stock exchanges, a true support, which also involves criticizing, sometimes harshly, the slip-ups of the market community, the complacency or the immorality of some of the market participants.

We believe that the "Award for the Most Critical Article" won by our colleague Adina Ardeleanu represents an implicit acknowledgement of our faithfulness, loyalty and attachment to the stock market.

Thank you!

Adina Ardeleanu (28 years old) has graduated in "International Relations" in the Academy of Economic Studies and has a master in "The Management of International Projects". Every day, she coordinates the making of the "Capital market" section of the BURSA newspaper.

Adina has been a part of the "Bursa" team since 2006, and has become one of the most competent journalists specializing in the stock market.

Extremely polite and receptive to politeness, Adina has to struggle with herself, when she is making criticisms.

But when she does make them, there is no doubt that they are thoroughly researched.

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