MIHAELA DALAR STANCA (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 21 decembrie 2011

The price of 3D TVs is dropping

Products that use 3D technology are increasingly present in retail stores, and their prices are dropping due to an increase in competition. In order to fiind aut the dynamic of the market for this type of products we talked to the officials of two companies that distribute this type of products, as well as to a manufacturer.

The officials of "Altex" said: "3D products are increasingly appreciated by consumers, and they have become more affordable lately. Just like any other product, 3D technology has lost its absolute novelty nature in 2010, especially as the available 3D content has increased. Let's not forget that at the moment of its launch, the appearance of 3D technology has outshined the transition from HD (high definition) to Full HD or from LCD to LED, meaning that the interest is there and it increases the moment products become more accessible".

The officials of "Altex" also told us that, since 2010, when the products were launched in stores, sales have tripled, which is something that both promotions and the availability of content have contributed to, as well as the manufacturers' efforts to create products that convert 2D images to 3D. "Altex" estimates that in 2012 sales will follow an upward trend.

Prices of 3D TVs range from 1,999 lei to 14,999 lei, depending on their complexity, the officials of "Altex" say.

The impact of 3D products in Romania is positive, even though they are still niche products due to their prices and lack of content, according to Mrs. Violeta Luca, Marketing Director at "Flanco". She says that TV sets are the "stars", but there is an entire family of interdependent products which are needed to generate and view 3D content - Blu-Ray players, 3D notebooks, photo/video cameras, games or glasses.

He said that the best selling products are TV sets: "Moreover, December is the month we see the biggest sales, including this niche product itself. Also, this a period when 3D photo and video cameras also sell great, as they represent an unusual present, for those with above average income".

Sales for 3D products in this year are about 40 times bigger than they were last year, when the products entered our markets. Mrs. Violeta Luca estimates a growth of about 50 times in Q1 2012 compared to the similar period of 2011.

"Sony" hopes to sell about 10,000 TV sets by the end of 2011

Tomohiro Nakashima, Country Head Eastern Balkans&Romania, Sony Central and Southeast Europe said: "We are very confident in the major impact of this market in Romania, as Sony is the leader of the 3D segment, locally, as well as globally, with the opportunity provided by integrated 3D solutions. We are making progress with the 3D technology, by providing both hardware components (TV sets, 3D photo/video cameras), as well as with 3D content which we offer to our users (3D movies by Sony Pictures or 3D games by Playstation), because we believe that this is the very near future of technology, as demonstrated by the numbers."

By the end of the year, he expects the market to reach 7,500 - 8,000 TV sets sold, with a value of over 10,000,000 Euros. The optimistic scenario by Mr. Tomohiro Nakashima is 10,000 units sold, with a total value of 12 - 12.5 million Euros.

Products in the 3D category were launched on the Romanian market in 2010, were very well received by buyers and the market is rising.

"In December, sales of "Altex" have significantly increased in all categories, m starting with the IT category and ending with household appliances, due to the promotions conducted in the "Altex" and "Media Galaxy" stores, which offer good prices to consumers, as well as various benefits: gifts, vouchers", the officials of "Altex" said.

"The market for 3D products is still in the early stages, which is why it has a quick development pace, especially since there is a growing number of Romanian consumers who want to have the latest technology", said Violeta Luca, Marketing Director at Flanco.

