Photo souce: https://www.estadioazteca.com.mx/en/timeline/la-construccion-del-futuro/

FIFA fails another transparency test

O.D.English Section / 14 martie

An international trade union mission, present in Mexico to inspect working conditions on the construction sites of the upcoming World Cup, was categorically denied access to the Estadio Azteca. The decision has sparked controversy, and...

Pollution, an older problem than we expected

Pollution, an older problem than we expected

O.D.English Section / 3 februarie

Humans have been polluting nature since ancient times, this is the conclusion of a study. Human-caused environmental contamination with lead in the Aegean region began approximately 5,200 years ago, about 1,200 years earlier than previously...

Cities must adapt to climate change

Cities must adapt to climate change

O.D.English Section / 21 ianuarie

Major disasters are wake-up calls from which people must draw the right conclusions. The fires in the US are a wake-up call related to the structure of large cities and climate change. The catastrophic fires in Los Angeles, exacerbated by the...

Insect life, studied by an academic alliance

Insect life, studied by an academic alliance

O.D.English Section / 16 ianuarie

The University of Oradea, as a member of the EU GREEN academic alliance, is part of a unique project dedicated to insect life in the natural environment, in cities and on campuses, called "Insectopia'. According to the institution,...

Developments on the diesel market are important because this fuel is a traditional pillar of the world energy market, being used in transport, mining, construction and agriculture.

Diesel demand falls in China

V.R.English Section / 6 septembrie 2024

The diesel markets in China and India, responsible for most of the Asian demand profile, are showing signs of slowing down, which could create new problems for crude oil prices, reports Bloomberg.

Randament de 4,45% pentru acţiunile Arobs

Randament de 4,45% pentru acţiunile Arobs

F.D.BURSA Analytics / 26 august 2024

Titlurile companiei de IT Arobs Transilvania Software au înregistrat un randament de 4,45%, în perioada 14 - 22 august, în raport cu moneda euro, clasându-se în topul celor mai mari zece aprecieri ale acţiunilor de la Bursa de Valori Bucureşti...

Photo source: unitbv.ro

Enrollment record at Transilvania University

O.D.English Section / 23 iulie 2024

The good results from the Baccalaureate exam can also be seen at the faculties' secretaries, where more and more graduates present themselves. This year's admission brought to Transilvania University of Braşov, a record number of...

Millions of victims due to air pollution

Millions of victims due to air pollution

O.D.English Section / 21 iunie 2024

Pollution remains a major threat to life on earth. Air pollution, both indoor and outdoor, causes numerous victims globally, including children, and is now much more lethal than smoking, according to a report published under the auspices of...

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Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2179
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9460
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur460.4406

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