dual education
"It is clear that students who participate in dual education have a greater chance of employment after completing their studies," said Iulian Cristache, an expert in educational policies.

Dual education, an extra chance at employment

O.D.English Section / 30 septembrie

Students who participate in dual education have a greater chance of employment after completing their studies than those who do not choose this system, but for its development, public policies are needed at the Government level to encourage the...

Education: Zero Tolerance for Any Form of Violence

Education: Zero Tolerance for Any Form of Violence

O.D.English Section / 17 ianuarie

Violence is a significant problem in Romanian schools. The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, has stated that there must be zero tolerance for any form of violence in schools, emphasizing that it should be combated through collaboration between...

Consistent growth for student scholarships

Consistent growth for student scholarships

O.D.English Section / 13 octombrie 2023

Students also have good news at the beginning of the academic year. The minimum amount of the social scholarship for students enrolled in university programs is increasing from 580 lei to 900 lei. This decision is included in the Order of the...

Education objective: revitalizing technical education

Education objective: revitalizing technical education

O.D.English Section / 25 septembrie 2023

After years of research, authorities in the field of education have come to realize that the labor market needs young individuals who can effectively do something, who are prepared for a profession. The new law on pre-university education aims to...

Student scholarships, in public consultation

Student scholarships, in public consultation

O.D.English Section / 25 septembrie 2023

The Ministry of Education has opened a public consultation for the draft Order approving the general criteria for granting scholarships and other forms of financial support from the state budget to students in public higher education institutions...

Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis a declarat: "Legile educaţiei adoptate recent ne dau şansa unui nou început într-un domeniu fundamental pentru orice societate modernă. Reformele educaţionale necesită însă răbdare şi perseverenţă, pentru că rezultatele se văd în timp şi nu de pe o zi pe alta. Să acordăm, aşadar, noilor legi posibilitatea de a fi implementate".

Boala educaţiei: vorbă multă, fapte puţine

Octavian DanZiarul BURSA #Politică / 12 septembrie 2023

Un nou an şcolar a debutat ieri. Elevi, profesori, părinţi şi politicieni au marcat momentul, fiecare cum a putut şi cum s-a priceput. Speranţele sunt în continuare mari, dar puţine se împlinesc. Startul în noul an şcolar a demonstrat, din nou,...

The disease of Education: much talk, few deeds"

The disease of Education: much talk, few deeds"

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 12 septembrie 2023

A new school year began yesterday. Students, teachers, parents, and politicians marked the occasion in their own ways. Hopes are still high, but few are realized. The start of the new school year has once again demonstrated that education suffers...

Lansare "one alliance"_ohma Bucureşti

Alianţă în industria ospitalităţii

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 17 septembrie 2021

Industria ospitalităţii are parte de o nouă alinaţă menită să asigure, în viitorul apropiat, personal calificat pentru marile hoteluri şi restaurante. Winsedswiss România, filială a Winsedswiss Education Group, a lansat "one alliance",...

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Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur382.0804

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