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Critical Thinking Workshop for Students

Critical Thinking Workshop for Students

O.D.Miscellanea / 25 februarie

The "Babeş-Bolyai' University of Cluj-Napoca announces the organization of a new "Critical Thinking Workshop", held from March 3 to April 14, 2025, under the title "Great Writers of the Great War War. Between Two Worlds"....

Apple TV+ va fi disponibil pe Android

Apple TV+ va fi disponibil pe Android

M.B.Miscellanea / 13 februarie

Apple pregăteşte lansarea serviciului de streaming Apple TV+ pe dispozitivele Android, într-o încercare de a atrage mai mulţi abonaţi, potrivit news.ro. Un teaser video apărut online înaintea anunţului oficial confirmă această mutare.

Raluca Turcan: "67% of Romanians have visited historical monuments or archaeological sites, watching movies at the cinema will reach 34% in 2023, an increase from 26% and 59% of respondents have read books, either in physical format or in digital format, and 45% of Romanians have visited a museum, an exhibition, or a gallery". (Photo source: Facebook/ Raluca Turcan)

Turcan: Cultural Consumption, on the Rise

O.D.English Section / 14 noiembrie 2024

Minister of Culture, Raluca Turcan claims that the data of the 2023 Cultural Consumption Barometer show an increase and confirms that the strategic directions she had during her mandate as Minister of Culture were correct. The Minister recalled...

Photo source: FRUI VITA

"Dor de Doină", at the Botanical Garden

O.D.English Section / 26 august 2024

Workshops, concerts and a painting exhibition dedicated to pupils and students will take place at the second edition of the "Dor de Doină" event, scheduled to take place on September 7, at the "Dimitrie Brândza" Botanical Garden...

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