The Vice-president of the Commission for Industry and Services, Liberal Democrat deputy Cristian Boureanu, yesterday said that Romania should be more open to a potential proposal for cooperating with the South Stream project, provided the terms are appropriate.
"If Gazprom invites Romanian companies to participate in this project and the terms are adequate, I think the Romanian authorities should go along, even if it is clear that the Nabucco pipeline is the strategic project that Romania will continue to support", said Cristian Boureanu.
The PD-L deputy said that a partnership between the Romanian national company Romgaz and the Russian gas giant Gazprom for the creation of a gas reservoir in Roman - Mărgineni would be beneficial to domestic consumers by guaranteeing a steady supply of natural gas during winter.
Boureanu said that Romania"s relationship with Russia needs to be very pragmatic when it comes to economic issues and said that the outcome of the Ukrainian elections could affect Russia"s stance on the South Stream project.