Lupta dată de România împotriva problemelor de corupţie, nivelul ridicat al comunicării în limba engleză şi al educaţiei forţei de muncă încurajează şi atrag investitorii străini, a declarat, ieri, Bryan Jardine, Managing Partner, Wolf Theiss Bucharest.
Acesta a sfătuit companiile româneşti să acceseze capitalul internaţional şi consideră că potenţialul ţării va atrage tot mai mulţi investitori, mai ales că, prin prisma statisticilor macroeconomice din ultimii ani, România se situează pe poziţii superioare ţărilor vecine precum Serbia şi Ungaria.
"Trebuie să ne concentrăm asupra rezolvării problemelor ţării, deoarece trebuie să admitem că România este în competiţie, pe plan internaţional", a spus domnia sa.
Un minus al ţării noastre, în opinia domnului Jardine, îl reprezintă birocraţia excesivă de "ghişeu" şi folosirea încă limitată a sistemelor bazate pe soluţii internet.
1. Mrs Bryan Jardine
(mesaj trimis de Lucien Lancelot în data de 21.05.2016, 17:46)
Romanian screenwriter Lucian Ciuchita has made a criminal complaint
against five production companies, two directors and two screenwriters
from Hollywood, accusing them of stealing his script and making a movie
based on his idea. The action movie is called Escape Plan and brings together two of the world’s most famous action actors Silvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger.The Romanian prosecutors have started an investigation of the facts
for forgery and use of forgery and based on the results will decide if
they prosecute the movie’s producers or not.
The Romanian writer claimed that the intrigue, the action and
Schwarzenegger and Stallone’s lines in the film belong to him and were
allegedly taken from a script he has sent to Hollywood a few years ago.
He first started a civil case against the ovie’s producers.After the trial in Bucharest started, the Americans sent some
documents to Romania, that were checked by an expert, reports local Digi24.
According to Lucian Chiuchita, the expertise showed that the document
were false and the authorities have started the prosecution for forgery
and use of forgery.
The Romanian wants his contribution to the film to be recognized and
also asks the rights he is entitled to as a screenwriter, which would
amount to some USD 10 million. The movie, which cost some USD 50 million
to make, had gross revenues of some USD 137 million.