Fukushima, un coşmar care dispare greu

Fukushima, un coşmar care dispare greu

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 17 februarie

Operatorul centralei nucleare de la Fukushima, Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco), a iniţiat la finalul săptămânii trecute procesul de dezmembrare a rezervoarelor de apă tratată, o etapă esenţială în cadrul planului de dezafectare completă a...

Coffee prices rise 6% in one day

Coffee prices rise 6% in one day

A.V.English Section / 12 februarie

The price of Arabica coffee futures hit a new record high on Monday in New York, as weather forecasts show dry weather in the main regions of Brazil where this agricultural raw material is grown.

UN: Crises are interconnected

UN: Crises are interconnected

O.D.English Section / 19 decembrie 2024

Trouble never comes alone, not even in climate issues. The ways in which people consume and feed themselves are causing "interconnected" crises that affect biodiversity, climate and health, threatening the survival of essential ecosystems...

Dogecoin was an instant success upon launch, gaining popularity on social media platforms and becoming a staple of the crypto space in early 2021 when celebrities such as Elon Musk, Mark Cuban and Snoop Dogg endorsed it, leading to to a sudden increase in its price, an episode which, however, was short-lived, according to the mentioned source.

Meme Coins - Crypto Speculation With Jokes

A.I.English Section / 5 septembrie 2024

Meme coins are cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, dedicated to an interesting or funny idea captured in an image, video or other form of media (meme). Like the memes they're based on, they're designed to go viral and be shared...

Climate change is imposing a new normal

Climate change is imposing a new normal

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 19 august 2024

Our country has faced a new wave of heat waves in recent days. This is the first red heat code (the tenth this summer) ever issued in August in Romania, the director of the National Meteorological Administration, Elena Mateescu, said. Entire...

Illustration by MAKE

Is Simion's plan possible or is it a mirage?

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 30 iulie 2024

George Simion, the president of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians and candidate of this party in the presidential elections of November 24, offers houses to all the people. Simion's offer? 35,000 euros for a two-room apartment of 50-52...

Balancing market prices, totally out of control

Balancing market prices, totally out of control

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 16 iulie 2024

Due to the existence of an oligopoly in the energy balancing market, which imposes ever higher prices, a significant part of the energy suppliers could close their doors in the next three months, if the Government, the Ministry of Energy or the...

Cîrstoiu is running for oblivion

Cîrstoiu is running for oblivion

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 13 mai 2024

The second month of spring was a stormy one for the PSD-PNL political coalition, which had to face the media revelations about how the doctor Cătălin Cîrstoiu - the candidate of both parties for the position of general mayor of the Capital - made...

Funding from the authorities for craftsmen

Funding from the authorities for craftsmen

O.D.English Section / 10 aprilie 2024

Craftsmen are enjoying the attention after a period when they seemed doomed to disappear. The Minister of Labor and Social Solidarity, Simona Bucura - Oprescu, states that Romanian crafts and producers must be supported concretely, with funding...

Violence in schools, combated with infographics

Violence in schools, combated with infographics

O.D.English Section / 8 martie 2024

Old habits cannot be forgotten. The commissions that were created to solve (only theoretical) any problems did not disappear altogether, they just got refined. The Ministry of Education has created, to support schools in the management of cases...

Climate change, deadly danger for migratory species

Climate change, deadly danger for migratory species

O.D.English Section / 14 februarie 2024

The changes the climate is going through are not favorable to life. More than a fifth of the world's migratory species are at risk of extinction due to climate change and human encroachment, according to the United Nations' first report...

The best month in agriculture... for protests

The best month in agriculture... for protests

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 12 februarie 2024

The political scene in our country was awakened to reality, from the sweet sleep it had fallen into during the winter holidays, on January 9, when hundreds of farmers began to move to the Capital, dissatisfied with the fiscal measures imposed by...

Melting glaciers - new problems

Melting glaciers - new problems

O.D.English Section / 8 februarie 2024

The slow disappearance of glaciers is accompanied by a whole procession of bigger and smaller problems. The melting of the Greenland ice sheet (mainly caused by global warming) is at the origin of the rise in the ground level of the huge arctic...

Climate, rapid glacier melting

Climate, rapid glacier melting

O.D.English Section / 2 octombrie 2023

Bad news related to the climate is coming at an alarming rate. There isn't a week that goes by without specialists announcing another "catastrophe." Swiss glaciers have melted in the past two years as much as they did between 1960 and...

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21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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