mass market
Ministry of Energy: We are facing an acute energy crisis

Ministry of Energy: We are facing an acute energy crisis

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 9 decembrie 2024

Our country is facing an acute crisis in the energy sector, marked by the inability to ensure the necessary domestic consumption of electricity, a situation that endangers the stability of the National Power System (SEN) and increases dependence...

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Marile branduri investesc în magazine fizice

A.D.Companii / 29 octombrie 2024

Aproape trei sferturi dintre respondenţii studiului intenţionează să îşi mărească portofoliul de magazine fizice. Retailerii vizează în primul rând Retail Park-urile pentru planurile de expansiune.

Zentiva - ready to leave BVB

Zentiva - ready to leave BVB

A.I.English Section / 15 octombrie 2024

Zentiva Grup bought almost 320,000 shares of Zentiva SA, in the public offering held between September 25 and October 8, reaching a 96.02% ownership of the medicine manufacturer from Bucharest, according to a report by BRD-Groupe Societe...

Among the main measures provided for in this draft ordinance is the direct purchase of shares by the relevant ministries in the companies in which the state holds the status of shareholder.

Government blocks hostile takeovers of energy companies

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 14 octombrie 2024

The dependence of our country on energy imports, in certain periods, and the need for capitalization of companies in the energy sector, so that they can increase the energy production capacity at national level, are the reasons why the Ministry...

Crosspoint Real Estate, asociat al companiei de real estate Savills în România, informează: "În Bucureşti, un oraş cu un stoc redus de spaţii de retail de tip high-street, localizate pe Calea Victoriei, chiria medie este de 55 euro/mp/lună".

Brandurile celebre investesc în imobiliare

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Companii / 21 mai 2024

Imobiliarele rămân în continuare un sector solid în care se investeşte masiv. Mărcile de lux au devenit un jucător important pe piaţa investiţiilor imobiliare, câteva branduri de lux făcând achiziţii de proprietăţi de peste 6 miliarde de euro în...

Crosspoint Real Estate, an associate of the Savills real estate company in Romania, informs: "In Bucharest, a city with a low stock of high-street retail spaces, located on Calea Victoriei, the average rent is 55 euros/sq.m. month".

Famous brands invest in real estate

O.D.English Section / 21 mai 2024

Real estate remains a solid sector in which massive investments are made. Luxury brands have become a major player in the real estate investment market, with several luxury brands making property purchases of over euro6 billion in 2023, a trend...

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21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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