un malware
Orange Business a lansat "Business Internet Security 2025"

Orange Business a lansat "Business Internet Security 2025"

A.D.Companii / 3 decembrie

Orange Business a lansat "Business Internet Security 2025", o analiză detaliată a provocărilor şi soluţiilor în domeniul securităţii cibernetice, adresată companiilor şi organizaţiilor din România, potrivit comunicatului emis redacţiei....

GenAI, a new weapon in hackers' arsenals

GenAI, a new weapon in hackers' arsenals

O.D.English Section / 4 octombrie

Cyber criminals' weapons are multiplying. In a report published by HP Inc., cybersecurity experts have revealed a malware campaign targeting French speakers that uses malicious code generated with the help of generative artificial...

Cybercriminals cause trillions of dollars in damage

Cybercriminals cause trillions of dollars in damage

O.D.English Section / 20 august

Cybercriminals have become a threat to the global economy. Cybercrime could cost companies 10.5 trillion dollars in 2025, an amount that includes the profits made by hackers through various means, according to an article published recently on the...

Our country is part of the Eastern European cross-border route used by criminal networks for human trafficking. These networks introduce migrants from Ukraine, Turkey and Afghanistan into or through Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria or Poland, through trucks registered in Turkey.

GIATOC Index: Crime remains at a high level in Romania

Gheorghe IorgoveanuEnglish Section / 8 aprilie

According to the crime index for last year published by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, a non-governmental organization based in Switzerland, with a score of 4.58 our country ranks 27th out of 44 European states,...

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Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur403.6495

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