Marius Ghenea Buys Viking Profil

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 6 martie 2008

Marius Ghenea has expanded his portfolio on the construction market by acquiring the majority stake in roof tile manufacturer Viking Profil, which is the only wholly-owned Romanian company of consequence on this market. "I have been looking at various investment proposals from Romanian entrepreneurs for some time. Viking Profil is one of the. I believe the time has come to enter the construction market, considering that this is quite a booming industry. The expected market growth is 25-30% per year," Ghenea said.

Ghenea will invest some 1 million EUR for starters in order to develop production and improve distribution channels. Viking Profil concluded last year with 2.5 million EUR in turnover and is aiming for 6 million EUR for this year. The company will buy another three production lines and expand coverage to six new sites. Viking has some 40 employees and intends to reach 100 in 2009. The targeted market share is 3.4% for this year and 10% in the next two years.

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