sector horeca
Tax amnesty for bad payers, deficit of almost 7%

Tax amnesty for bad payers, deficit of almost 7%

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 9 octombrie

The first month of autumn brought a series of economic and financial challenges for our country, especially in the context of a growing budget deficit, high inflation and volatility of energy prices. However, the Ciolacu government continued to...

Allianz Trade lansează raportul "Sector Atlas 2024"

Allianz Trade lansează raportul "Sector Atlas 2024"

R.S.Macroeconomie / 3 octombrie

Allianz Trade publică raportul "Sector Atlas 2024", document ce analizează sectoarele economice majore, tendinţele actuale, riscurile asociate şi evoluţiile economice care vor modela peisajul de afaceri în următorul an. Raportul este...

Cîrstoiu candidează la uitare

Cîrstoiu candidează la uitare

George MarinescuZiarul BURSA #Macroeconomie / 13 mai

A doua lună de primăvară a fost una furtunoasă pentru coaliţia politică PSD-PNL, care a trebuit să facă faţă dezvăluirilor presei despre modul în care medicul Cătălin Cîrstoiu - candidatul ambelor partide pentru funcţia de primar general al...

Cîrstoiu is running for oblivion

Cîrstoiu is running for oblivion

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 13 mai

The second month of spring was a stormy one for the PSD-PNL political coalition, which had to face the media revelations about how the doctor Cătălin Cîrstoiu - the candidate of both parties for the position of general mayor of the Capital - made...

Photo source: facebook/Bursa de Valori Bucuresti

The expectations of BSE fund managers for 2024

Andrei Iacomi English Section / 14 martie

Last year's spectacular evolution of the main shares on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), when the BET index increased by 32% and with dividends the advance rose to almost 40%, will not be repeated this year, according to the opinions...

România - în Schengen, prin aer şi pe apă

România - în Schengen, prin aer şi pe apă

George MarinescuZiarul BURSA #Macroeconomie / 18 ianuarie

Guvernul a fost concentrat, în ultimul trimestru al anului trecut, să reducă deficitul bugetar cu care s-a confruntat la mijlocul anului şi în trimestrul al III-lea, pentru ca oficialii de la Bruxelles să nu blocheze alocările de fonduri pentru...

Romania - in Schengen, by air and by water

Romania - in Schengen, by air and by water

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 18 ianuarie

The government was focused in the 4th financial quarter to reduce the budget deficit that it faced in the middle of the year and in the 3rd quarter, so that the officials in Brussels do not block the allocation of funds for our country from the...

Rudderless in bad weather

Rudderless in bad weather

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 25 octombrie 2023

The change of government at the end of the first semester of this year apparently did not bode well for Prime Minister Ciolacu's team, which found itself with a budget deficit that is increasingly difficult to control and manage, with the...

Distributors of goods, unhappy with the turnover tax

Distributors of goods, unhappy with the turnover tax

I.Ghe.English Section / 25 septembrie 2023

The 1% tax on turnover will have a negative impact on the economic sector of goods distribution, and implicitly on the national economy, it is stated, in a press release sent to the Editor, by the Association of Romanian Goods Distribution...

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Curs valutar BNR

18 Oct. 2024
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9724
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.5865
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2949
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9815
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur399.9201

convertor valutar


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