Dafora Fails To Acquire 56.34% In Condmag

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 5 septembrie 2007

Dafora - Medias" stake in Condmag - Brasov remained 43.66% after the expiry of the mandatory public offer that majority shareholders are required to make. Dafora in late July announced they would pay 1.05 RON for 1 Condmag share, which is ten times the face value. Dafora made a public offer for 56.34% in the pipe manufacturer. Dafora"s offer points to a market value of 181.65 million RON (58.2 million EUR) for Condmag.

Condmag has a share capital of 17.29 million RON divided into 173 million shares with a face value of 0.1 RON. The leading shareholder is Dafora Medias (43.66%), followed by OGGBA Van Herk BV (10.61%), Julius Baer International Equity Fund (9.62%) and MEI Roemenie & Bulgarije Fonds NV (7.76%). The market capitalization is 345.59 million RON.

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