Green Energy Posts 3 Mln EUR Profit

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 12 martie 2007

Electricity supplier Green Energy posted 50 million EUR in turnover and a profit of 3 million EUR in 2006. Green Energy obtained its supplier license in August 2005 and closed its first contract in October 2005. In the same year, the company aquired energy from Energy Holding and then signed a contract with the Turceni Complex.

Green Energy acquired the largest quantity of energy from Turceni, namely 1,2 TWh per year. The contract was anulled because in October 2006 the management of the Turceni Complex asked a 65-70% higher price. The two companies are presently litigating against eachother, as Green Energy has not accepted the demanded price. Presently, Green Energy acquires energy from Buzmann Industries.

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