Preşedintele şi vicepremierul Ungariei participă a pelerinajul de Rusaliile catolice de la Şumuleu Ciuc

F. A.
Politică / 18 mai 2013

Ader Janos, preşedintele Ungariei,şi Semjen Zsolt, vicepremier, participă, astăzi, la pelerinajul de Rusaliile catolice de la Şumuleu Ciuc, judeţul Harghita, conform surselor de presă.

Aceştia se află într-o vizită privată, astfel că  nu vor vorbi în calitate de politicieni, conform regulilor instituite de organizatorii pelerinajului, care nu vor ca evenimentul religios să aibă alte conotaţii.

Opinia Cititorului ( 1 )

  1. Astia se dau mare civilizatie....dar ei traiau in corturi chiar dupa 200 de ani de la venirea lor in Panonia (950AD).....he he he...........

    From "History of Hungary" By Denis Sinor  

    "As nomadic peoples generally do, the  

    Hungarians disliked towns, and even houses, to which they preferred tents. According to Otto von Freisingen, as late as the middle of the twelfth century, summer and autumn were still spent under tents".  

    Si descrierea fizica a Ungurilor veniti in Panonia 

    "Ochii scufundati,mici de statura,inchisi la culoare....." 

    From "Britannica"(Languages of the world).  

    "Recent study indicates that it is posible to speak of a Uralic racial type,an intermediate stage between the European and the Mongoloid,the basic features of which are medium-dark to dark hair and eye  

    colour,relatively small stature and often a concave bridge of the nose".  

    From "1000 years of Hungary" By Emil Lengyel.  

    Bishop Otto of Freysing spoke of the exterior of  

    the Hungarians as ‘ferocious' at the time of the Crusades :(Their eyes are sunken,their stature is short,their behavior wild,their language barbarous,so that one can either accuse fate or marvel at divine

    patience for having permitted these monsters the possession of an enchanting land)". 

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