Trade Unions Protest: The Two Planned Energy Companies Are Headed For Bankruptcy

Alina Toma Vereha (Tradus de Andrei Năstase)
English Section / 16 septembrie 2009

Trade unions in the energy sector will continue to picket the Ministry of Economy in the following days to express their grievance with the authorities" reaction to the reorganization of the energy production system.

"The Ministry is determined to create, at any cost, two large companies by reorganizing the existing (energy) producers and merging them with the Electrica subsidiaries that have not been privatized yet, as well as with the coal mining companies. We will continue to protest until we see a serious debate on this subject, because the two companies are headed for bankruptcy from day one. You simply cannot give cross-subsidies within the companies, as the Ministry is planning to do, in order to save the mining industry and Termoelectrica in one shot. We have also formed a working committee to clearly see what the trading rules are," Adolf Muresan, President of the Univers Union Federation, told BURSA.

He further stressed that Electrica"s subsidiaries dedicated to distribution and retail could not be included in the production-oriented companies because the European Union had imposed the separation of such lines of business within a vertically integrated holding. Adolf Muresan claims that the Government needs to expedite environmental investments in the production process, instead of keeping busy with a reorganization process that should have been done five years ago.
