arad oradea
"We are happy with the solidarity of the guild and the partnership we have with the media institutions in Oradea and we invite all those interested in this event to join us", declared the university lecturer and journalist Ioan Laza, one of the "founding fathers" of the series of conferences in Oradea dedicated to the press and its history.

Journalistic "temptations" debated by 50 specialists

O.D.English Section / 10 octombrie 2024

More than 50 specialists in the field of communication (academics, media historians and journalists) will participate, between October 11 and 12, in the international conference with the theme "Journalists and political actors: temptations,...

Photo source: facebook / Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romania

MAI post-secondary schools: 2880 places available

O.D.English Section / 27 septembrie 2024

Young people who want to become policemen, gendarmes, firefighters or border policemen can sign up, until October 6, for the admission contest in the post-secondary schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, October - December session, with...

MedLife cumpără spitalul Euromedica Baia Mare

MedLife cumpără spitalul Euromedica Baia Mare

F.D.Piaţa de Capital / 17 septembrie 2024

MedLife, cea mai mare reţea de servicii medicale private din România, continuă consolidarea în zona Ardealului şi anunţă semnarea achiziţiei pachetului de 80% din Grupul Euromedica Baia Mare (Euromedic Hospital şi Euromedic Administrator),...

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Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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