british tobacco
Bill: the first smoke-free country

Bill: the first smoke-free country

O.D.English Section / 28 noiembrie 2024

The fight against tobacco consumption has reached a new level. The law aimed at gradually transforming the United Kingdom into a smoke-free country passed a first stage in parliament this week, where it was adopted by MPs with an overwhelming...

Contrabanda cu tutun scade din nou la 7,7%

NOVEL RESEARCH:Contrabanda cu tutun scade din nou la 7,7%

S.B.Miscellanea / 19 august 2021

Piaţa neagră a ţigaretelor scade în iulie 2021 până 7,7% din totalul consumului, cu 2,5 p.p. faţă de luna mai, conform Novel Research. Contrabanda revine astfel la nivelul din iulie 2020, când a fost înregistrat cel mai mic procent de când...

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Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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